I knew the rose bushes, clematis and yard debris needed attention, but all I could think of was the birds. The birds! I love birds. I must admit they do freak me out a bit when they are too close. Not sure why, maybe it's the fluttering of the wings - but that same fluttering is why I think they are so cool. I could gaze at these beautiful creatures gracing the sky for hours - wishing I could do the same.

I started to pray, "Father, please help me not to be like that cardinal. Help me Lord, to sense when someone wants to be involved, when someone yearns for friendship, when someone is hungering for the spiritual food that your message brings. Help me not to be self absorbed and tyrannical of "my place" and that I have the eyes to see and ears to hear the needs of another. Help me to share your blessings, specifically to share the blessings of leadership of your amazing ministry of AHG."
Just a point to ponder: Are you sharing your blessings, giving others an opportunity to perch at the feeder? Are you delegating leadership? Are you controlling the entire Troop or do you understand you are just one of the many "birds" God created for His work? Do you see the value of the chickadee, the woodpecker and the cardinal?
Anxious to check out the feeder tomorrow....
Until next time,
For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, so we, who are many, are on body in Christ, and individually members of one another. Rom 12:4
1 comment:
(MI3130) This is a very timely message for me, Patty. As current Troop Coordinator, I have been intentionally searching for my eventual successor this year.
It has been interesting to see the reaction of those around me, seeing as I have been very vocal about my love for this position. It is almost as though they cannot understand why I would give up what is, in my estimation, such a "good thing".
However, I do not want our troop to stagnate! I do not want our troop to become "stuck" the way organizations tend to get when leadership is not 'stirred up' a bit.
It is truly best for our girls and for our leaders to let some new ideas and influences take the headship positions now and again.
Isn't the recommended term for AHG Coordinator two years? I think there is wisdom in attempting to adhere to that 'term limit'.
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