This my friends, is a wonderful piece written by Sarah, AHG's official blogger. The maturity of her spirit is so evident as we read the wisdom she conveys in this simple yet powerful blog.
Well, here it is again. My favorite time of the year! Christmas :) The music, the lights, the presents, the "get togethers", the food, the decorations, the laughter, the cookies, the caroling, the baking, the family time; all of it I just adore. It really is the best time of the year. The spirit of Christmas is just breathtaking; this is probably the one time of year that everyone really is celebrating together, though some don't really understand what they are celebrating.
To some, Christmas means what I had stated before: food, fun and family. Those aren't bad, not at all! I look forward to each of those each year. But I must say that I get in the habit of stopping there. However, there is so much more to the holiday! It's not about the lights, the "get togethers" or the gifts but I think each one of those represents a part of the true Christmas story.
See, Christmas is exactly what is says: CHRISTmas. It's about Christ! He came as a little baby....wait...what? You know this already? Oh! Right, I forgot you all have a nativity set. Well just look at it for a second. Yes, seriously, just go and look. Do you really know and appreciate what it represents? Go and listen to "How Many Kings" by Downhere. Now go and look at baby Jesus in the manger. Give you a greater appreciation? It should!
Christ came to earth. Stop there for a second. If we were in Heaven would we want to come to earth? I know I wouldn't! I would never want to leave a perfect, holy and glorious place for a dead, sick, dying, hopeless, forlorn and violent world. Especially when I knew that I would be beaten, ridiculed and eventually put to death. I would never had done that! But guess what? Someone did. That's right: Christ did. He came to live so eventually He could die. Why? For you and me :) If we wanted to live in Heaven we would have to be perfect. Obviously we aren't, so we deserve death and eternal separation from God in a place called Hades or Hell. But that's why Christ came. He came to this earth to eventually die and take the punishment that we deserved. If we would only place our trust in him completely we could have something even better to celebrate this Christmas than forgetting our diet for a few days: we could spend eternity in Heaven with Him!

Now don't get me wrong, I love the lights, the "get togethers" and the gifts! But I think if we take a closer look, we could make those traditions even more special. The lights represent the Light of the World that came to this world and the star that led the shepherds to the stable where Jesus was born. The "get togethers" represent all those (the shepherds and wise men) who got together to bring gifts and praise our Lord. And the gifts really represent the greatest gift of all: Jesus himself :)
So this Christmas I hope you all are blessed with good weather, great food, fun family times and most of all, I hope you all remember the true meaning of Christmas :) Thank God for all of the blessings that He has given you, for we are really blessed beyond measure.
Merry Christmas to all, and have a blessed New Year :)
"How many kings step down from their thrones?
How many lords have abandoned their homes?
How many greats have become the least for me?
And how many gods have poured out their hearts
To romance a world that is torn all apart
How many fathers gave up their sons for me?
All for me...
All for you..."
Merry Christmas <3 span="span">3>
Sarah - AHG's official girl blogger
Until Next Time,
1 comment:
Thanks again for sharing your heart! It was a good reset for me today. I, too, love Christmas. Even more, I love CHRIST! But it is easy to get sidetracked, frustrated by changes in plans and people who make choices that don't fit with my goals. I needed to change my focus. And I will need it again -- and again! Thanks for helping me today!!
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